Running out of money is the last thing you want when you have impending bills to pay along with other expenses. If you are in Tennessee, Advance Financial offers a FLEX Loan to cover your monetary needs. Unlike Installment Loans, the Advance Financial FLEX Loans has adaptable repayment tenure and allow you to pay only for the amount that you have borrowed from the time of borrowing.
Installment Loans, however, have fixed loan tenure and you have to abide the proposed tenure and must repay the loan within the fixed intervals. Unlike Installment Loans that allow only single time transactions, a FLEX Loan is an open line of credit that allows you to take more cash within your credit limit if necessary. The maximum amount you can borrow through a FLEX Loan ranges from $25 to $4,000 and Installment Loans offer you a maximum amount of $2,500. If you want to pay off the debt early, some Installment Loans in Tennessee charge you pre-payment fees and there are no pre-payment charges with an Advance Financial FLEX Loan.
In short, Advance Financial in Tennessee provides instant cash for you through FLEX Loans. With these loans, you can borrow an amount up to $4,000. An Advance Financial FLEX Loan allows you to use the money you want and the remaining amount will be your line of credit that is kept open for you to use whenever you need.